Cherry Tree- Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Wrangles
Mrs Garvey
Welcome to the Cherry Tree Class Page!
We pride ourselves on the love and care given to the children. We have a very experienced team who ensure that each child is given the best possible start to their education.
The most important thing for our team is that the children feel happy, safe, secure and have lots of fun. Learning is most effective when children have hands-on experiences and can investigate things which have meaning to them. We spend lots of time getting to know the children through observing them in their play and finding out what their interests / next steps are.
Each half term we choose two key texts in which to begin our learning but we also allow plenty of time to pursue the children's interests.
A few ideas to help prepare your child for Reception:
Partnership with parents is also a very important factor in Early Years education. We value the input from parents and pre-schools. The children will bring home reading and phonics tasks each week, and we would appreciate your continued support with this. It is important that the children read daily, and that you write in their yellow reading journals, you can communicate any queries through these, and we will try to get back to you as quickly as possible. We will also post homework and ideas to help your children at home via Google Classroom.
Ways to help your child at home :
This term's learning overview can be found in the files below.
Thank you.
Please remember to follow us on Twitter. We would also love to hear about activities the children do outside school, the children really enjoy sharing their experiences with the rest of their class. @Cherrytreeclass
Please click here to read more about phonics teaching at Great Sankey Primary.
Children must use 'pure sounds' when they are learning how to segment/blend words.
Please click on the link below:
Please click here to join in with the Ten Town songs
We use a combination of EY2P, Karen Wilding Maths, Ten Town to plan Mathematical opportunities for our EYFS children.
Ten Town can also be accessed from home, please see the information inside your child's planner for log in details.
Files to Download
Cherry Tree- Reception: Calendar items
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