Great Sankey Primary School

Behaviour Principles

This is a statement of principles, not practice.


Practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Headteacher.

The statement has been adopted by the Governing Body as a whole.


The Governors at Great Sankey Primary School, believe that high standards of behaviour lie at the heart of a successful school that enable children to make the best possible progress in all aspects of their school life.

At Great Sankey Primary , we value everyone as an individual, capable of growth, change and development. Our relationships are underpinned by the principles of justice, equality, mutual respect, fairness and consistency. We have high expectations that support the development of our pupils as effective and responsible citizens, championing British Values.

The governors expect any policy or actions to be in accordance with their responsibility under equality legislation.


  • All children, staff and visitors have the right to feel safe at all times in school.
  • Great Sankey Primary  is an inclusive school. All members of the school community should be free from discrimination of any sort. Measures to protect children are set out in the Positive Behaviour and Equality policies.
  • The school rules should be clearly set out in the Positive Behaviour Policy and displayed around school. Governors expect these rules to be consistently applied by all staff.
  • Governors would like to see a wide range of rewards, consistently and fairly applied in such a way as to encourage and reward good behaviour around school.
  • Sanctions for unacceptable/poor behaviour should be known and understood by all staff and pupils and consistently applied.
  • It is recognised that the use of rewards and sanctions must have regard to the individual situation and the individual student and the Headteacher is expected to use his/her discretion in their use. Sanctions should however be applied fairly, consistently, proportionally and reasonably, taking into account SEND, disability and the needs of vulnerable children, and offering support as necessary.
  • The Governors strongly feel that exclusions, particularly those that are permanent, must only be used as the very last resort.
  • The Governors expect pupils and parents to cooperate to maintain an orderly climate for learning.
  • The Governors wish to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse  by pupils or parents towards the school’s staff will not be tolerated verbally, physically or online through Social Media. If a parent does not conduct himself/herself properly, the school may ban them from the school premises and, if the parent continues to cause disturbance, he or she may be liable to prosecution.
  • The Governors expect the Headteacher to include guidance on the use of reasonable force, within the Positive Behaviour Policy.img_1873.jpg

Our Positive Behaviour policy can be viewed under School Information and then by clicking on the 'Policies' tab.

At GSP we celebrate kindness and look for opportunities to fill up one another's buckets positively.

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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
can be contacted c/o [email protected] Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust