School Clubs
At Great Sankey Primary School, we offer a wide range of enrichment activities that we believe cater for every age and interest and reflect our commitment in developing children at GSP into confident individuals with their own interests.
We encourage every child to try our after school or lunchtime clubs as we believe many of these can lead to life-long hobbies and passions. Our staff give their time freely so the majority of our clubs are free of charge - we just ask for a contribution towards the resources for some art-based clubs.
Here is a list of the enrichment opportunities that are on offer during the Spring Term 2024:
Crafty Club with Mrs Wrangles, Mrs Gow, Mrs Mahoney and Mrs Wilks on Tuesday - SPRING 2
Fun Outdoor Games with Ellie on Wednesdays - ALL TERM IN TWO GROUPS
Sewing with Mrs Johnson on Mondays - SPRING TERM 2
Gymastics with Ellie on Thursdays - ALL TERM
Dance with Miss Hewitson on Fridays
We also have keyboard lessons on Tuesdays all year and Year 6 Booster sessions on Thursdays from January until May.
At the beginning of each term, the overview of clubs for the children across the school is sent home in a letter and parents return the slip to express an interest. Slips are then sent home to confirm each child's attendance. If the club was over-subscribed, lists are generated randomly ensuring a fair mix of age and gender.
Having spoken to the children, we try to offer a wide variety of clubs across a range of interests - last term we offered board games, choir, mindfulness and codingalongside our sport based clubs and next term we have cricket, rounders, KS1 music, gymanstics, cross country, choir and EYFS colouring club. We hope the children like the selection on offer.....
The children in this last Autumn's Craft club had a great first session and the girls in Cross Stitch club loved making their gift stitched pieces for Christmas......
We offer a wide variety of sport based clubs throughout the school year and when possible enter a linked sport competition. We generally select the teams from the children who have committed to the weekly training sessions and so far this year we have entered competitions in the following sports:
football, rugby, cross country, athletics
We are so proud of all the children who have represented GSP - they all gave 100% and gained some fabulous results.
In addition to sporting competitions, we often get involved in a variety of performances in Warrington. In the Autumn term a group of children across KS2 performed a dance rountine during half time at one of the World Cup Rugby matches at Halliwell Jones Stadium. They loved the experience and we were pleased to be able to offer another opportunity to our children.
Our School choir have lots of performance opportunities throughout the school year, with three major events at the Parr Hall in Warrington - one per term. The children rehearse throughout the school year and it is wonderful to see their singing talents improve alongside their confidence and self-belief. We are very proud of their commitment to the club and how well they represent our school. They sound fantastic!
Alongside all our enrichment clubs, competitions and performances, school also facilitates many school trips throughout the year to support and enhance the children's curriculum learning as well as vistiors coming into school to delver a variety of workshops. In addition, we always get out into our local community whenever we can.
Our children in Years 2, 4 and 6 also enjoy residential trips with their classmates each year.
Year 2 visit Tattenhall, Y4 visit Anglesey and Y6 spend three days exploring London. Three very different but valuable, memorable experiences offered to all the children at GSP.