Great Sankey Primary School


Welcome To The Spelling Page!


At Great Sankey Primary School we believe spelling is a skill that will help develop children into becoming life long communicators and will support them in writing across all areas of the curriculum. As spelling is an integral part of the writing assessment framework at KS1 and KS2, it is important we provide children with regular spelling sessions and exposure to a variety of strategies to support them in their spelling journey through school.



Primarily, impact of our spelling teaching and learning can be seen in children’s attitudes to spelling lessons and their independent spelling work in class. Children enjoy being given opportunity to practise their spellings using a variety of different strategies and although spelling can pose a difficulty for some children, ensuring they feel supported and well equipped with strategies to assist them is key in developing positive attitudes.

Monitoring of spelling lessons and spelling journals demonstrate consistency in approaches and pupils articulate well the different ways they can practise their spellings or are helped in the classroom.

As part of the Year 6 SATs tests, children’s spelling knowledge is tested within the grammar and punctuation tests.


Spelling at GSP begins in Reception where children are exposed to the key words, these words are displayed in the writing areas around the provision and children are encouraged to use them in their independent writing. They are also given lots of fun opportunities to learn and practise them with their teachers, the children love being challenged to spell and use them correctly in their writing. Spelling practice in Reception and Year 1 is also delivered during phonic sessions.

From Years 1 - 6, the children have a set of Common Exception Words to learn to read and spell (these can be found in the planners) and are also required to learn to spell words which follow set rules. At GSP, we follow the statutory requirements set out in the National Curriculum for spelling as well as using the Pathways to Spell scheme supported by the No Nonsense Spelling resources to support and act as guidance to plan and assess from.

Spelling lessons in Key Stage 1 and 2 are frequent and kept short as we believe that the 'little and often' approach is best for the children to retain the words in their long term memory. We teach the children a variety of strategies to help them to learn new words as we recognise that one way does not suit all; each child has a spelling journal where they can practise spellings using the strategies of their choice. Common Exception Words are taught through the '3 of the Week' approach where children focus on 3 key words from the list each week and are given bountiful opportunities to practise them in class and at home. To further support children with their spelling during writing, word mats are available; key words are on display on the working walls; and Have a Go pads accessible on tables - all of these approaches encourage independence when spelling and promote the 'can do' attitude. 

Spelling homework linked to what the children have been taught in class is sent home each week and it is an expectation that children practise these. Spelling Frame, an interactive spelling resource, has been purchased for all children in KS2 and can be used to support spellings at home. Logins for this should be in your child's planner. Tests are informal and guide and inform teacher assessment.

Some Useful Spelling Websites / Resources

Spelling City
Top Marks
Spelling Frame

spelling frame.jpg 

Files to Download

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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
can be contacted c/o [email protected] Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

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The Challenge Academy Trust