Great Sankey Primary School

GSP's Happiness Heroes



Our Children's Happiness HeroesTeam are a group of children from Key Stage 2 who are led by Miss Leah, our Safeguarding and Pastoral Leader and Mrs Wrangles, our PSHE and Mental Health Lead.

Meet the Team! 

Happiness Heroes.JPG



They meet half termly on a Wednesday to share their ideas, talk about safeguarding, pupil welfare and help one another and their classmates. They work on projects such as the Wise Up Award, as well as leading on assemblies and anti-bullying and online safety themes across the school.

The aims of the team are: 

  • To promote friendship and kindness
  • To promote anti-bullying across school
  • To promote the 'No Outsiders' approach
  • To promote the 'My Happy Mind' programme and having a positive mindset
  • To be role models for our school values and the British values
  • To make sure the children in our school know who they can talk to
  • To understand the needs of the different children in school so we can look out for them

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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
can be contacted c/o [email protected] Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust