Great Sankey Primary School


Co-ordinator - Mr Ellis

View our Computing Twitter here


Technology is an integral part of modern society and is an influential part of our everyday lives. Children are increasingly adept at using a variety of modern technologies and use a wide range of devices on a daily basis. At Great Sankey Primary we endeavour to provide a curriculum that develops positive attitudes towards modern technologies as well as embedding fundamental skills and deeper understanding.

Online Safety

In a growing digital age, Online Safety is of paramount importance. At GSP  we ensure that children are aware of the potential dangers of the internet. Online Safety discussions take place each time children are given access to the internet, as well as dedicated Online Safety lessons, visits from PCSO’s and involvement in nationwide schemes such as Safer Internet Day.

ThinkUKnow and the CEOP website are two very valuable websites that allow children to report any issues or concerns about Online Safety as well as providing a range of information that will help to keep children safe and informed. Click on the images to the right and below to visit these websites. 

More guidance for children and parents can be found here



The Computing programme of study introduced in the 2014 curriculum has a greater onus on programming skills rather than children merely being able to operate a program. In KS1 children will now learn to write and test simple programs, and to organise, store and retrieve data. During KS2 they will begin to learn about computer networks and the internet.

We are currently using an amalgamation of Knowsley City Learning Centre's scheme of work, the NCCE Tach Computing curriculum as well as units from the Micro:bit Educational Foundation to support our teaching of the Computing Curriculum; this teaches the children to use a wide range of current software and apps. We also endeavour to further hone computing skills by incorporating the use of technology across the whole curriculum.

EYFS have embedded units from Barefoot computing in to their LTP to link to other work across the curriculum. EYFS are concentrating on doing unplugged activities and the introduction of computing language and computational thinking as a stepping stone to their computing learning throughout KS1 & KS2.

We are fortunate enough to have a wide range of technology available to our children. We have a number of laptops, chromebooks, android tabelts and iPads available for use by both key stages, as well as a number of hand-held tablets for our Foundation Stage learners. We also endeavour to use the wider range of facilities and resources of our TCAT partner schools. This allows our children to have a wealth of positive experiences and will enable them to become digitally responsible citizens.


Before leaving GSP, children will be digitally literate across a range of mediums and will have had positive experiences that will stand them in good stead in the future. Children will be well aware of the dangers of the online world and will be able to make decisions that will keep them safe. Children are assessed alongside Milestones documents to ensure coverage of all national curriculum objectives.

Code Club

Coding is a vital part of the national curriculum and is increasingly important in the modern world. Here are some websites that are used during Coding Club sessions that children can use at home to further enhance their experience, knowledge and expertise in coding.

Code Club.jpg

Hour of Code

Click on the image to visit the Hour of Code website.




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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
can be contacted c/o [email protected] Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust