Great Sankey Primary School

Treetops - Wrap Around Care

Treetops @ GSP is a school run breakfast and after school link club

We offer a welcoming, safe and comfortable facility for the children to have fun before and after school. As this is run by the school, we know the children and families well and the team work closely with the staff to ensure a smooth transition into and from classes.

Staff are highly trained and all have experience in childcare, first aid and food hygiene. The children are based in the small hall and we have a wide range of exciting resources and wider facilities to make their time at Treetops a fun and welcoming one. 

The Link Club Policy below contains all the important information you need to know. 



Treetops will try to accommodate as many families as possible. If you are a parent of a child who is due to start the school in September, we ask that you contact us once your child has been offered a place at our school and complete an application form.

For further details, please contact:

[email protected]

Telephone: 01925 728176 (school hours)

Mobile: 07566 790013  (out of office hours only) 


Meet The Team

Play Leader: Mrs Emma Hall



Hi everyone. My name is Emma Hall and I am the Play Leader at Treetops @ GSP. Lots of you will know me from my previous role within the school as a teaching and learning support assistant. I have lots of experience with working with children of all ages as I also worked as part of the midday assistant team within school so will be a friendly and familiar face to many. Outside of school, I love reading, walking with my dogs, spending time with my family and completing lots of art and craft activities. I can't wait to do some of these activities with you in link club too!

Play Worker: Mrs Vickie Mairs



Hi, my name is Vickie Mairs and I am one of the play workers at Treetops@GSP! I have worked as part of previous link clubs for many years, including at Great Sankey Primary School, so will be a familiar face to both children and parents. I have lots of experience in leading fun activities for the children to enjoy and ensuring that their time spent with us in the out of school hours club is an enjoyable one. I am really looking forward to working with the team at the new Treetops link club. 

Play Worker: Mrs Faye Lawton




Play Worker: Mrs Lisa Challoner




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Our mission and Vision
We Learn
and Grow" Learn More
Let's Connect
Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust