Coordinators - Mrs Franklin & Miss Heywood
At Great Sankey Primary School, we are a great believer in the statement from the DfE (2014) that recognises a high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. (DfE, 2014)
In our school, Physical Education (PE) contributes to the overall education of all children by promoting active and healthy lifestyles, physical skills, physical development and social development. It is an integral part of the curriculum and school practices, allowing all children to gain a sense of achievement, opportunity for healthy competition in a range of activities and sports and develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others.

At Great Sankey Primary School, we aim to enable every child to reach their full potential through engaging in purposeful and high-quality physical activities. Their weekly-allocated time is 2 hours a week and all children are encouraged to participate in some form of physical activity outside of school hours. The children engage in a programme of PE that develops confidence and team spirit, encourages fitness, improves social, physical and leadership skills, strength and stamina, teaches the rules of games and how to take part in fair and healthy competition. The PE programme at our school aims to encompass all aspects of the National Curriculum PE framework. In addition to high quality PE lessons we also strive to ensure all our children meet the government recommendation of 60 minutes of exercise in school and at home per daytoo.
Children are taught the key fundamental movement skills, primarily through the REAL PE scheme. These skills are progressive throughout the phases and are applied to a variety of activities including games, dance, athletics, outdoor adventure activities and gymnastics. Planning resources from Progressive Sport are used to support the teaching of gymnastics and we also follow the Creative Steps Dance scheme to support the planning and delivery of Dance. These lessons form the basis of our indoor PE lessons. Our other PE lesson is an outdoor lesson which focuses on multi-sports and team games skills. Again this is progressive throughout the phases starting with basic skills at KS1 progressing to competitive games by UKS2. In addition to this, all Year 3 and 4 children access swimming lessons at the local swimming pool throughout the year. They have to be able to swim 25m, perform a variety of strokes and be confident in basic safety skills by the time they finish primary school.


Due to our high quality PE Curriculum, we are confident in the impact that our offer has upon promoting active children across our school. Across their time at primary school, pupils get chance to participate in competitive sporting activities, try out new sports and understand what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle.
All children across school have 2 hours of PE across the week and by the time children leave us in KS2, they have had the opportunity to meet the government target of learning to swim 25m.
As a school, we have good links with a range of different external sporting companies and always strive to improve our offer. Most recently, we have been awarded the prestigious School Games Mark - Platinum Award - one of only a few schools in Warrington!
Please see our sport funding premium action plan for further details and look at our #greatsankeysport twitter page for further evidence of the great things taking place across our school!