Great Sankey Primary School

Hazel Tree- Year 3/4 2023 - 2024

Mr Johnson



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Welcome back! 


Welcome back! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and are looking forward to the new term ahead! Please refer to the welcome letter and curriculum overview below for further details about some of the things we will be learning this term.

On this page, you will find some useful information about the term ahead and any key messages that you need to be aware of. To the side of the page you will see our class X (Twitter) feed and link to Google Classroom. We love to use X (Twitter) to share some of the excellent things going on in Hazel Tree Class and will use Google Classroom to support learning at home - spellings, homework and useful documents will be uploaded and made available on there each week.

We are set to have a great term and have some really exciting things planned and lots of new things to learn about. As always it is important that we work in partnership to ensure the very best for your children. If you have any queries or need some support, please do not hesitate speak to me at the end of the day, phone or arrange an appointment. 

Don't forget to follow @hazeltreeGSP if you are on X (Twitter) for regular updates. 

Kind regards,

Mr Johnson


Our Curriculum


In English, the children will use a variety of different stimulus throughout the term to engage and inspire the children’s writing.  The children will be looking at the books Seal Surfer and Zeraffa Giraffa this term and will cover a range of writing such as a setting description, persuasive leaflets, letters and poetry.  Children will also continue to focus on their spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Elm English.JPG


In Maths, the children will be studying the topics: Decimals, Money, Time, Shape and Position & Direction.  In Year 4, children are expected to know their times tables up to 12x12 ready for their mutiplication check in June.  To help the children practise their times tables, they need to be using TTRS at least 3 times a week at home.  Useful MTC links can also be found below.

Elm Maths.JPG


Children will learn about how vibrations cause sounds and how sounds travel, as well as how sounds can change pitch and loudness. They will learn about how sounds are made, carrying out demonstrations of vibrations, and completing a sound survey of our school to find the noisiest part!!  They will work in a hands-on way to explore how high and low sounds are made; investigate how sounds change over distance and the best material for soundproofing.  

Elm Science.JPG


Our enquiry question for this term is, 'How have the Ancient Greeks left their mark?'  In this topic, children will gain an understanding of where and when some key events during the ancient Greek period took place. They will explore what life was like for different people and the different elements of daily life.  Children will learn about the birth of the Olympics and explore how, towards the end of the ancient Greek period, Alexander the Great grew an empire. 

Elm History.JPG


Our enquiry question for this term is 'What would we find at the end of a river?'  In this topic, the children learn about the features of rivers, and the natural and human ways that rivers change over time.  They will learn the names and locations of the major rivers of the UK and the world and will also find out more about why rivers are so important to the towns and villages that have developed on their banks.

Elm Geography.JPG

Key Messages



Remember to read for around 10 minutes a day, at least three times per week. Please leave a note in your child's planner so we know how they have got on.

Times Tables:

Children should try to use TTRockstars and NumBots regularly at home to help with their recall of times tables and basic skills. Login details for these websites can eb found at the front of your child's planner.


Spellings will be uploaded to Google classroom on a Friday. Children should practise these throughout the week ready for their spelling test on the following Friday.


Homework will be uploaded to Google classroom on a Friday and should be completed and returned to school by the following Wednesday at the latest. Homework will alternate between a maths or English task each week and will be linked to the unit of work children are covering in class.


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes into school wearing their PE kits as they have done last year. Please remember to tie back long hair and wear no jewellery for safety reasons. 

Files to Download

Hazel Tree- Year 3/4: Calendar items

KS1 & KS2 Sports Day, by Mrs Wilding

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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust