Great Sankey Primary School

Eco Schools

Welcome to our Eco Schools page

'The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it'

Robert Swan



Aims - what do we aspire for our children?

At GSP we aim to let the children be in control of environmental action in our school and local community.  We believe that our children should be active participants in the development of a sustainable society for all.  Our children will be encouraged to think critically about the world they live in and we aim to equip them with the knowledge about ecological matters that will have an impact on their lives.


Our Eco Committee


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Our committee is a select group of pupils elected from across Reception, Key stage 1 and Key stage 2. They are given the opportunity to have their say in how we care for our school environment and contribute to its and the worlds sustainability.  This allows our pupils to develop real life skills and knowledge that will help them become future advocates for the environment.

We follow the Eco schools seven step framework which then allows us to apply for an Eco Schools Green Flag during the summer term.  We are proud to say we have achieved Eco Schools Green Flag status each year since 2020 and our flag is displayed to show everyone that GSP pupils care about our planet and are determined to protect it. 

To achieve an Eco Schools Green Flag, we need to work on three of the ten Eco Schools topics.

The ten topics are: 

Biodiversity, Energy, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living, Litter 

Marine, School Grounds, Transport, Waste, Water 

Where are the ten topics evident across our curriculum?

The National Curriculum and EYFS curriculum have clear links to the Eco schools ten topics and this can be seen in our subject areas across school.

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Eco Committee Meetings


We have our meetings at lunchtime or lesson time, fitting around the school timetables of holidays, Christmas concerts etc.


In a library or a classroom.

How long?

Our meetings usually last around 30 minutes, depending on the number of items on the agenda.

Who is there?

Representatives from each class and the Eco Committee Teacher.

What are minutes?

Minutes are a record of what was discussed at the meetings. The minutes tell you who was present at the meeting,  the key points discussed and any next steps to be taken.  They are all available to read by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.

All Eco Committee members must:

  • Be respectful and listen to others
  • Contribute or participate actively in meetings
  • Follow the school rules and be role models to other pupils
  • Model good behaviour at all times
  • Be polite and courteous to others
  • Wear their badge so all members of school know who they are
  • Not refer to specific individuals or groups during discussions
  • Use their position on the Eco Committee to support and develop their school and peers and not abuse this position in any way


Our achievements

Over the past year we have; 

Created a KS2 Litter pick team to clean the playground every Monday morning. 

Re-used old school furniture by donating our old desks, chairs and bookshelves to another school. 

Reused school uniforms. Our Splat Shed opens every week for parents to purchase preloved school uniforms that have been donated.  

Reused old school plastic noticeboards to make a greenhouse for gardening club. 

Delivered scooter training to KS1 – to encourage children to come to school safely on their scooters. 

Appointed PCSO’s and run an anti-idling campaign to help reduce car emissions outside of school. 

Created a wildflower area on the school allotment. 

This academic year, we have been involved in the Cut Your Carbon initiative throughout November.  Children were challenged to complete 9 small activities at home with friends and family. Each activity was aimed at reducing our carbon emissions or inspiring others to also act. The challenge was a great success and once our Eco members had collected in their class results, they were entered for a competition to win a polytunnel for our school. 



Our mission and Vision
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Let's Connect
Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
can be contacted c/o [email protected] Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust