Great Sankey Primary School


Our Nursery

Nursery Class : Seedlings

At Great Sankey Primary school, we are in the privileged position to have our very own nursery provision. This is a wonderful environment in which children can begin to get their very first taste of school life through our nursery.



The Early Years team together provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment in which children feel secure, happy and blossom as they begin their school journey. Please click the Nursery Prospectus and Application Procedures document in the files below to find out more on what we can offer.



The Nursery Offer

Our nursery offers flexible provision for 3 & 4 year olds.

Our session times are 8.30-11.30am & 12.15-3.15pm.  Children attending for the full day have the option to stay for lunch at a cost of £4 per lunch time session or 45 minutes from funded hours.  We are also able to offer our Nursery children who stay over lunchtime a delicious school meal at the additional cost of £2.60 per day. Please click the link to find out more: School Meals




30 Hours Child Care

We offer the 30 hours free childcare to any eligible 3 & 4 year olds. This equates to 4 ½ days in total with 45 minutes for lunchtime included, however If you wish for your child to attend the 5 full days, an additional session and lunchtime can be purchased at a cost of £18.00 per week. Please note this charge is to cover the cost of supervision and children will need a packed lunch if staying for the lunch time period. 


Applying for a place 

Please click on the Prospectus and Application Procedures document to find out more about how to apply for a place at our nursery. You can also download and return our application form which is included in the links at the bottom of this page.

Files to Download

Our mission and Vision
We Learn
and Grow" Learn More
Let's Connect
Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
can be contacted c/o [email protected] Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust