Willow Tree- Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Bani
Welcome to Willow Tree Class!
We hope you have all had a fantastic Chrsitmas break and enjoyed spending time with your families and friends. Please find some useful information on this page about the Spring term ahead and about some of the exciting things we will be learning about. Also attached at the bottom of the page is our class termly overviews of curriculum subjects.
We also try hard to update our class Twitter feed regularly with photos and tweets of things we have been getting up to in class!
If for whatever reason you have any questions or queries about the term ahead, then please do not hesitate to contact me through the school office or speak to me on the gate. It is important that we work together in partnership across the year and we're very much looking forward to working with you.
Mrs Bani & Miss Fellows
Curriculum Information
Our Maths topics for Spring Term will focus heavily on addition and subtraction to 20 we will be writing and counting to 50, partitioning numbers to 50 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Then we will move on to learning about multiplication and division.
Please note that the children have access to Numbots which is an online tool full of games to help their quick recall of number bonds. Numbots will be used in school and can be accessed at home too. Their log in details will be in their reading planners.
In English, the children will use a variety of different stimulus throughout the term to engage and inspire the children’s writing. The children will begin the year looking at our new book ‘The Dragon Machine’ and writing a narrative by the end of this. The children will first look at predictions and inference with this book, then move onto using their new knowledge of adjectives and verbs to describe the 'naughty' dragons. A big focus for writing this term will be to write correctly punctuated sentences starting with a capital letter and ending the sentence with a full stop. If your child reads at least three times a week, they will receive a raffle ticket and be entered into a prize draw to be our reading champion at the end of each half term. Once the children have completed their reading book and the journal has been signed, the children can choose a new book to bring home. Children can therefore change their book regularly but it is up to them to go and get a new one!
This term for science, the children will be learning about ‘Everyday Materials’. This topic investigates objects and materials to identify and name them, and understanding their simple physical properties and uses.
This term is a topic will explore the question '?' which focuses ‘Why were canals so important?’. This is focus on the history of the Sankey Canal and its use in the past. Children will learn about the life of canal boat people & their jobs and have chance to visit a canal.
The children the children will be using maps, atlases and globes to locate the UK and Warrington based on a study of the geography of the school and its grounds. In our Geography topic, the children will explore the question ‘Where do I live?’. A focus on our local area and town. Where is Warrington in the UK? It is also a look at local landmarks, maps of the UK and the four countries that make up the UK including their capital cities.
Useful Information
Homework - This term, homework will be sent home on a Friday at the end of each week and is to be returned to school the following Wednesday. If you require any help or support with this, please just ask. Thanks for your support. Homework will always be posted on google classroom and work will be completed in homework books. The children will recieve either a maths, english, science and topic based homework each week alongside 3 of the week words. Children will need to practise reading and writing 3 of the week words at home each week.
PE - This term, our PE is on a Monday and Thursday. Thursday is our indoor session and Monday is our outdoor session. As in previous years, children can come to school in their PE kits. Please ensre children are in their correct kit as last year, clothing such as football shirts and other brightly coloured shirts started to be worn in some classes. It is also important children have appropriate footwear and a warm, plain hooded jumper or coat incase of colder weather.
Useful Links
Please find some useful links below.
Files to Download
Willow Tree- Year 1: Calendar items
KS1 National Waterways Museum Visit, by Miss Buckley