Great Sankey Primary School

Early Help

What is Early Help?sl(4).jpg
Early Help refers to the offer of any support, advice or information we can give  to children and their families as soon as possible to help prevent problems from escalating or when issues begin to emerge.

There are many different ways in which we offer support to our children and families at GSP:  

  • Miss Leah, our Pastoral Leader, is on the playground every morning and is available to talk to parents/carers when you drop your children at school to discuss any concerns you may have regarding behaviour, learning or any other support you require. She is also available during morning sessions and parents can speak to her directly, telephone or make an appointment.
  • Miss Leah can support parents/carers to complete forms and other paperwork such as high school admissions, as well signpost or direct you to relevant agencies who may also be able to support.
  • Miss Leah is available to meet with parents/carers to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your child’s behaviour or learning. You can also speak to your child's teacher, Mrs Wilding (our Headteacher), Mrs Williams (our SENDCO), Mrs Wrangles (our Mental Health Lead), or Mr Gawne (our Deputy Headteacher). 
  • As a school, we also have a variety of strategies and resources we can deploy to offer own our in-house early help for our children. These can include pastoral sessions delievered by Miss Leah, 1:1 mental health support sessions led by a fully-trained children's mental health professional, referral to our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support) sessions, access to drawing and talking therapy as well as access to our weekly resilience and wellbeing team sessions led by Progressive Sports. 
  • Referrals to outside agencies such as: the Children's Centre, the Family Outreach Team, parenting courses, our School Health Advisor, St Joseph’s Family Centre, Play/Art Therapy and local children’s centres can also be made.
  • We can also complete Early Help Assessment (EHA) with families to access further support. These involve listening carefully to you, discussing what help you need and talking about what is working well in your life. Based on the conversations and information gathered, alongside what help you would like, a plan is put together so that professionals can work together to make sure you get the right sort of help at the right time.
  • Our Safeguarding Team formally meet every three weeks to identify any children and families who would benefit from early help. This allows them to access services in the school and beyond to support identified vulnerable pupils and families. 



Helpful Links:

Citizen's Advice Warrington

Torus Housing Association

Warrington Youth Zone

My Life Warrington

Rehab 4 Addiction 


Who are they? Number
Police (non emergency) 101
Children’s Safeguarding Service/Social Work Team 01925 443322, press option one followed by option one
Out of hours - Children’s Safeguarding Service/Social Work Team 01925 443322 and press option 2 to go through to our out of hours service
School Health Advisors 01925 946803.
Health Visitors 01925 946858
Child Development Centre 01925 946480
Warrington Youth Zone 01925 977277
St Joseph’s Family Centre 01925 635448
Little Star’s Children’s Centre (Dallam) 01925 446244
Torus Housing Trus 0800 678 1894
Citizens Advice Bureau 0808 278 7993
Pathways to Recovery 01925 415176
School Admissions 01925 446226 

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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
can be contacted c/o [email protected] Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

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The Challenge Academy Trust