Great Sankey Primary School

Elder Tree- Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Ellis



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Welcome to Year 6 Elder Tree Class!  

Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break and are ready for an exciting term ahead.

If there are ever any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch. The support you give is essential for your child's progress and the closer we can work together, the better it will be for them. Finally, don’t forget to follow our class on twitter @Elder_Sankey for regular updates.

Kind regards,

Mr Ellis

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As in previous years, homework will contiue to be set on Google Classroom each week and this will primarily be completed in the 'Dactyl' homework books that are sent home with the children or on the SATs Bootcamp website that children have been given logins for. It is important these are looked after as these stay with the children across the year. The dates and times that homework are set will be the same each week where possible and further details will be added to the Google Classroom. Spellings are also set and tested weekly and this is all done through 'Spelling Frame', another resource that the children are used to using. It is important that spellings are practiced weekly so that any misonceptions can be picked up and discussed in class. 

There is an expectation that children are reading regularly at home in addition to their daily whole class reading session in school and we ask that they aim to fill in their planners at least 3 x weekly with a signature and / or comment from parents each week to share how children are getting on at home. Teachers will also comment / sign the pupil planners.


In May 2025, children in Y6 will complete their statutory end of key stage assessments known as SATs. The children will be tested in Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling with Writing being teacher assessed in school. The tests will take place the week beginning 12th May 2025 so we ask that any holidays or time off is not taken during this month. An information for parents giving further details was held last term and a timetable will be sent out to you in the first week of the Summer term to confirm arrangements. SATs Booster sessions will take place after Christmas and will run up until SATs. 


Useful Links

Click on the links to take you to our pages


                         twitter.jpg                      TTRockstars.png                         spelling frame.jpg


Curriculum Information:




Our Maths topics for this term will focus heavily on fractions, decimals and percentages and it is imperative that children are supplementing this work with basic skills practise at home. Please encourage the children to use their log in for Times Table Rockstars regularly at home to ensure they know all the multiplication and division facts accurately and rapidly as this knowledge and recall will be hugely beneficial this year.


In our English lessons this term, we are continuing to work on our knowledge of punctuation and grammar from across KS2, with a particular focus on being able to extend our sentences through the use of different clauses. All of our writing across the year will be inspired by high quality texts and children's literature and we will be starting the term off with some writing linked to the story ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’.  Where possible, we will try to link our spellings in class to our writing also. We will be completing daily whole class reading sessions to develop the children’s reading stamina, pace, understanding of vocabulary and comprehension skills alongside individual reading sessions where each child will be heard to read by an adult weekly.

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In our Science lessons this term, we look at Properties and Changed of Materials. In this unit we will consolidate our understanding of states of matter, finding out how to separate materials using scientific processes, learn how conductors and insulators work, as well finding out about reversible and irreversible changes.


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Our Geography topic for this term is 'Water: friend or foe?'. where we will be thinking about all the different uses of water. We will be learning about the water cycle and how water is essential to all life on Earth; finding out how much water is used in daily life and how we can try and reduce the amount of water we use; finding out about how water is used to create electricity; as well as learning how dams are used to help control water flow.

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In our History lessons, we will be studying the enquiry question 'How has Crime and Punishment changed through the years?'. We will look at punishment throughout the ages, including Anglo Saxons, The Tudors, The Victorians and how modern crimes are detected. We will also find out about famous historical people such as Dick Turpin and analysing how we know about events form the past.


For this term, Indoor PE is on Mondays and our Outdoor PE will be on Thursdays. The children can come into school in their school PE kits on these days - a T-Shirt in their house colour and black shorts / joggers / leggings and trainers - with all hair tied back and jewellery removed. Please make sure these PE uniform guidelines are adhered to as last year we started to notice a few football shirts etc starting to creep in. It is important the children look as smart in their PE kits as they do in their uniforms. Thanks for your support with this.


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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
can be contacted c/o [email protected] Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

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