Great Sankey Primary School

Sycamore Tree- Year 1/2 2024 - 2025

Miss Humphreys


Welcome to Sycamore Tree Class!      Rainbow 2.PNG

Welcome to Sycamore Tree Class!  I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer.  I am very much looking forward to working closely with you all over the next year!

Have a read through our welcome letter and curriculum overview to see all the exciting things we have planned for the Autumn term.  

On this page, you will find some useful information about the term ahead and any key messages that you need to be aware of.  If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see our class Twitter feed and link to Google Classroom. We love to use Twitter to share some of the excellent things going on in class and will use Google Classroom to support learning at home - spellings, homework and useful documents will be uploaded and made available on there.  If you are on Twitter, please follow @sycamore_tree1 to see regular updates.

We are set to have a great term and have some really exciting things planned and lots of new things to learn about. As always it is important that we work in partnership to ensure the very best for your children. If you have any queries or need some support, please do not hesitate speak to me at the end of the day, phone or arrange an appointment. 

Kind regards,

Miss Humphreys 👩‍🏫

Our Curriculum.PNGMaths

Year 1 and 2 will begin the term by revisiting Place Value. We will move on to consolidating our addition and subtraction knowledge focusing on number values up to and beyond 10. The children will be using their number bond knowledge within our place values topic to master their place value skills. Later in the term, we will move onto the first half of our shape topic looking at 2D and 3D shapes. 



In English, the children will use a variety of different stimulus throughout the term to engage and inspire their writing. They will begin the term by looking at the story 'Strictly No Elephants' where we will discuss the meaning of 'Acceptance'. This term, the children will cover a range of writing genres such as: a story narrative and poetry. Children will also focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and some will carry on with their RWI Phonics Sounds. A big focus for writing this term will be to write correctly punctuated sentences starting with a capital letter and ending the sentence with a full stop.



This term the children will be learning about 'Animals including Humans'. This topic will focus on identifying, naming, drawing and labelling the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. They will also look into the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air) 



History this term is a topic called 'How Did My Grandparents Used to Live?' which focuses on life in school now compared with what it would have been like in the old GSP school. We will walk in the local area and look at the old school grounds and spot differences on the outside of the buildings. The children will also look at life at home now and then with a focus on toys and games, developments in technology.

Elm History.JPG


The children will be using maps, atlases and globes to locate the UK and Warrington based on a study of the geography of the school and its grounds. From their findings, they will discuss the question, 'What can we find at GSP?'. We will take the children on a local walk around school and create our own sketch maps from this.

Elm Geography.JPG


Key Messages.PNG

Homework - This term, homework will be sent home on a Friday at the end of each week and is to be returned to school the following Wednesday. If you require any help or support with this, please just ask. Thanks for your support. 


PE - This term, our PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday. As in previous years, children can come to school in their PE kits. Please ensre children are in their correct kit as last year, clothing such as football shirts and other brightly coloured shirts started to be worn in some classes. It is also important children have appropriate footwear and a warm, hooded jacket or coat to keep them warm in colder weather. 


Google Classrooms - Please log in to Google Classrooms and use the invite code in your child's diary. This is where our homework is posted, and any additional links you may want to use for your child will be uploaded there too!

Useful Links

Please find some useful links below. 

google-classroom-logo.png          twitter.jpg        bbcbitesize.jpg



Files to Download

Sycamore Tree- Year 1/2: Calendar items

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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust